Install Detail 1200mm CB With Reducing Plate Detail
Install Detail 1200mm CB With Reducing Plate Detail.pdf

This document is the Install Detail 1200mm CB with Reducing Plate Detail. Diagram with 1200mm catch basin minimum angle between stubs table provided.
The reducing plate diagram shows the frame and cover designed for anticipated loads, finish grade, reducing plate, final backfill, 12oomm HDPE pipe, CG-14 or MG-20 backfill, compacted in 200mm maximum lifts to a minimum of 90% standard proctor density, HDPE pipe stub and bottom plate.
The table shows the values for the 1200mm catch basin minimum angle between stubs with Stub A diameter, angle, Stub B diameter and angle.
Notes state that minimum and maximum height of basin doesn’t take into account for site-specific groundwater elevations. Water is always expected in the catch basin due to the sump and the bottom plate is not intended for placement of pumps or other appurtenances. When long-term groundwater levels exceed ½ H of the structure, contact ADS for addition design considerations.