Basins and Trench Drains
Our stormwater capture products offer our customers quick and easy installation, extended service life, and easy maintenance compared to traditional stormwater structure products. All are custom manufactured to the needs of your project.
We offer several storm water inlet capture options from our Duraslot slotted drain for sheet flow capture to point source basin and manhole capture. Our inlets provide efficient cost effective, long lasting options to remove surface runoff from a variety of project sites and applications.
Nyloplast Drain Basins and Inline Drains are custom built for each application. Our PVC products are more durable and corrosion resistant than precast basins. With faster installation, lower installed cost and great field and project support teams, Nyloplast is the clear choice for your drainage needs.
We offer several large plastic manhole structures that allow for man access and connections of larger 900mm (36”) diameter pipe connections. These structures are light weight and install much faster than traditional options providing you with long lasting durable structure.
Engineered for the if, ready for the when.

Engineered for the if, ready for the when.
Everyday stressors are just as significant as severe weather events. Our resilient stormwater management solutions are designed to handle both, providing long-term value and rapid recovery when time is of the essence.
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