

In 2019 there were 9 weather related disasters in Canada with losses exceeding $1 million CAD. None of those events were earthquakes. However, seismic activity is common across Canada with an average of 4000 events recorded per year by Geologic Survey of Canada.

Did you know?

Flexible systems are less likely to sustain damage than rigid structures when there is seismic activity, earthquake, or ground movement of any kind.


Resiliency is the ability to anticipate, endure, and rapidly recover from a disruptive event–like an earthquake. That’s why our industry-leading solutions are engineered for the if, ready for the when. Together, these solutions create efficient stormwater systems that maintain function and strength when faced with both expected everyday stressors and extreme events.


If earthquakes occur, the ground moves and shakes. Thermoplastic pipe and gasketed joints are designed for performance during these extreme events. Unlike the competition’s, our pipes are flexible and able to withstand ground movement and retain system integrity. ADS products have fewer joints than other materials so there is less opportunity for leaks, resulting in fewer potholes and decreased chances for system failures.



When earthquakes occur, ADS makes rapid recovery possible. With our nationwide distribution network, customers have easy access to solutions from one end-to-end supplier for reduced time, coordination, and costs–further enhanced by three times faster installation compared to competitors. 

If the earth shakes

Flexible joints allow for greater resistance for earth movement.

Ready for the If

Extreme Events require Extreme Performance. Shouldn’t your stormwater solution be part of the climate solution as well? ADS’ products live at the intersection of resilient and sustainable.

Largest Plastic Recycler in North America
Largest Plastic Recycler in North America
Over 600 million pounds of plastic is kept out of landfills each year
Supporting the Climate
Supporting the Climate
770 tons of GHG emissions avoided
Less-Resource Intensive
Less-Resource Intensive
Lowest carbon footprint and low water consumption
Circular Material
Circular Material
Recyclable at end of life
Largest Plastic Recycler in North America
Largest Plastic Recycler in North America
Over 600 million pounds of plastic is kept out of landfills each year
Supporting the Climate
Supporting the Climate
770 tons of GHG emissions avoided
Less-Resource Intensive
Less-Resource Intensive
Lowest carbon footprint and low water consumption
Circular Material
Circular Material
Recyclable at end of life
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